A basic description of the Enneagram model

What is the Enneagram model?

The Enneagram model is based on the idea that people can be understood in terms of their basic fears, desires, and motivations. Each of the nine types is thought to be driven by a specific fear and desire, and to have a particular way of perceiving and responding to the world.

The model suggests that people tend to move between different types or “centers” depending on the circumstances they are in. For example, a person who is usually a type 2 Helper might temporarily become more like a type 3 Achiever when under stress or in a high-achieving environment.

The Enneagram model is often used in personality assessments, counseling, and personal development as a way of understanding oneself and others. It is not a scientifically validated personality theory, and there is ongoing debate about its validity and reliability as a measure of personality.

Is it possible to combine the Enneagram with the MBTI?

It is possible to combine the Enneagram model and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to create a total of 144 different personality profiles. However, it is important to note that the Enneagram and MBTI are two separate and distinct personality models, and they were not designed to be combined in this way.

The Enneagram model categorizes people into nine different types based on their core motivations, fears, and beliefs, while the MBTI categorizes people into 16 different types based on how they perceive and process information, make decisions, and orient themselves towards the world.

While it may be interesting to explore how the two models might intersect or complement each other, it is important to remember that neither model is a definitive or scientific measure of personality. Both the Enneagram and MBTI should be used with caution and should not be used to make definitive judgments about an individual’s personality or potential.

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Here is a link to an article about combining both models: MBTI + Enneagram. The image illustrating this article comes from that website too.

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